Thursday 30 August 2012

Past students Soap Opera trailer

The soap opera trailer below was made two years ago by Media Studies students in the two years above me.
This trailer is effective as it is easy to tell right away that it is advertising a soap rather than a period drama for example. I think the subject of a wedding was a good choice, as many soap trailers on the television are centred around weddings. As they have managed to portray it in a good way, it has made their trailer seem more realistic.
I think there is a really good amount and variety of camera angles used, although at times, the camera seems unstable and shaky. I believe the mise in the trailer is well thought over and creates a sense of verisimilitude within the trailer. The setting and costumes in particular are effective as they reflect real life. Lighting at times could be better as some clips, such as those in the wedding scene, are filmed in low key lighting, whereas it should be the opposite.
I think they have done really well with following regular conventions of soap trailers. The main titles are at the end and they have followed Todorov's narrative theory, as it starts with equilibrium and escalates from there onward. They have placed small revealing titles within the trailer which are not that common in actual soap trailers, yet i think it is necessary in this trailer. It also ends with a large cliffhanger, making the audience want to know what happens next, thus attracting them to watch the soap.
The diegetic and non-diegetic sounds used throughout are effective as some build tension, and others are reflective of what we are viewing. My personal opinion would be to also put a non-diegetic soundtrack throughout to help set the tone in addition to allowing the trailer to flow more, but it stills works without one.
I think an improvement i would give would be to make the editing more fast paced and to cut down some clips, as i think it could be made a lot shorter, with the same good effect and outcome.
Overall i do think the trailer would make people want to watch their soap, but i think there is an issue in the respect that it seems they are almost giving too much away, at times, i feel as if i'm watching the soap itself, and not the trailer.

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