Monday 27 August 2012

Soap Trailer Analysis

This trailer is from the BBC One soap, Eastenders.
The trailer is about a controversial  up coming wedding in the soaps story line. In terms of narrative, it follows Todorov's theory of equilibrium by including stages 1 and 2 within the trailer. 
The non diegetic music used throughout is a slow paced, strange and creepy soundtrack. I would say it resembles that of a child's music box. Nursery rhymes and other child like music, when used in certain situations, such as this trailer, can be effective at indicating a psychotic character, creating an eerie setting, and overall building fear for the audience. All of which i believe is achieved in this trailer. 
Camera Angles and Editing
There is an over the shoulder shot of the female protagonist looking at herself in the mirror. This is when the male antagonist is introduced, as we can see him in the background via the mirror. Mirrors are used to add fright in horror movies and TV shows as they show the viewer things that they would not ordinarily have seen. The antagonist is then fully introduced by a quick close up on his face, where upon it is hard to tell his emotion, allowing the audience to ask questions as to what is to come next. 
There is a high angle shot used on the female, displaying her vulnerability to the viewers. We are shown extreme close ups of the males hands and eyes, which shows us that he is controlling his wife to be. There are many shot reverse shots between the two characters, with each one, you can see the female becoming more worried, and the male progressing with pride and satisfaction with what he is doing.   
The trailer opens to a contrasting scene of mainly low key lighting as there doesn't seem to be a background, just darkness. In contrast, within the darkness there is a female in her white wedding dress, getting herself ready at a white dressing table. The wedding dress indicates a marriage, which has connotations to happiness and joy. A high key white path then appears in the darkness, which would usually suggest something good if you were to follow the path, but instead, ironically the path guides the female to the antagonist. The positive looking pathway could also be what the female character is thinking herself, as she does not yet realise that the male is a villain, an example of dramatic irony. Throughout the trailer you can see robot arms taking items away from the female and replacing them with items chosen by the male. This has connotations to the male stripping the female from her individuality and personal opinion. The robot arms are controlled by the male antagonist, this could relate to the fact that he is trying to make the female into his robot, relating to the overall theme of the trailer of Peggy being controlled. 
In terms of titling, the channel name is shown right at the start, the rest of the titles are at the end. The trailer slogan is spoken at the end 'He's got Peggy under control, but for how much longer?', also spoken is the name of the soap, the date it is to be aired on, and the channel. Displayed on screen at the end of the trailer is the date it is being shown, the channel, BBC One, and the soap name and the specific topic of that episode 'Eastenders: The Wedding'. 

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