Friday 31 August 2012

Types of audience and audience theory's

Demographic Groups
When creating a new soap and deciding on a target audience, producers of the soap would consider their audiences in groups based on age, gender, income, race and location.
This is how audience members are grouped based on income:
A - Top management, bankers, doctors etc.
B - Middle management, etc.
C1 - office supervisors, nurses, etc.
C2 - skilled workers, etc.
D - semi-skilled and unskilled manual workers, etc.
E - unemployed, students, pensioners, etc.

Cross-Cultural consumer characteristics 
Brought in by the marketing and communications company, 'Young and Rubicam', it aims to categorise everyone into four groups.
Mainstreamers - 40% of us are mainstreamers, they are the mainstream in society. They stick to the same big established brands and like value for money.
Aspirers - They seek to always improve themselves, they aspire for status and wear expensive brands. They spend a lot of money which is something they may not always have.
Succeeders - Those who have status and control in society, and have a lot of money, these are the same people as in demographic group A.Reformers - These peoples lives revolve around self - fulfillment, they actively consume environmentally and seek for friendly products.

Audience theory's
Audiences theory's are based around how the audience will respond to what they are viewing.
Hypodermic needle theory - When you watch a TV show or film, and for the time you watch it, you
metaphorically switch your brain off. Everything you see, you accept, and don't question a thing.
Uses and gratification theory - This is when you watch something, wanting to be involved. You could link yourself to characters based on personal relationships and social interaction.
Personal identity - This is when you compare your life to the characters on screen. You may adjust or conform you sense of identity. This can also be when you go to watch a show, seeking information, self education and wanting to learn a bit about what is going on in the world.
Reception Theory - This is when your mind works actively as an audience member, the producer places codes in the text, and the audience de-code them themselves.

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