Wednesday 11 July 2012

Hollyoaks Independant Research

Hollyoaks is a British Soap opera which has been running since 1995. It is broadcast on Channel 4, and runs throughout the working week, episodes are shown at 6:30pm.
I would say the target audience for this soap would be those of a similar age to most of the characters included within the soap, being students and young adults. I believe this because I think people watching it would want to relate their lives to those of the characters on screen. Since the millennium, it has had a substantial fan base and is now seen as ‘a vibrant, modern, young person’s soap’.    
In terms of the representation of age, from this episode, I only saw people which looked to be younger than thirty; this reflects their target age range. This is also what makes this soap different to other big soaps, in the fact that it may be verisimilitude to a student’s life at university, but not realistic to life on a normal, everyday and non-university community.   
In terms of gender, I would say both genders were given equal amounts of screen time. Within the episode there was a scene where a male character was crying, this goes against the typical ‘strong male’ stereotype but it also could show that this modern soap is breaking away from stereotypes  displaying to the audience what they believe to be the modern man. All the woman I saw were quite feminine, lots were wear clothing with colour connotation to their gender, such as the colour pink.

Sexuality wise, there was a female wearing a red dress which showed her femininity to the audience, you could say that the male gaze theory was also used at this point making the soap appealing to mainly a male audience. Sexuality is shown in the opening credits where upon both the male and female characters are posing and are depicted in quite a sexual way with the men dressed smartly, the woman wearing dresses. Sexuality is shown through relationships, from this episode i can see the show supports both hetrosexual and homosexual couples.
Class is shown in the respect that the soap is mainly based in a university campus meaning the characters are student putting them in demographic grouping D. 

By doing this research into an existing soap opera, it will help me when i come to create my own soap for this project. It has allowed me to really think and consider the audience that i intend my soap to be for. I've learnt that the chosen target audiences age and gender has therefore got to be reflected within the soap such as by characters and setting. By doing this it will add appeal to the soap.

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