Sunday 15 July 2012

Soap Trailer Analysis

This trailer is from the ITV soap, Emmerdale.
Narrative wise, this soap trailer builds to a climax and has a cliffhanger. It follows Todorov's narrative theory of equilibrium by including stages one to three in this trailer alone.
In terms of sound, there is an ongoing non diegetic soundtrack running throughout the trailer. This slow paced song has the pace and the lyrics to match the visual side of the trailer. The eerie track has a low pitched drum beat throughout, this could symbolise the beat of a heart, and adds greatly to the trailers tension.
The Mise in this clip is quite minimal. The first thing you notice, and what is obvious and prominent throughout is the use of low key lighting, this is because it is set outside during night time. They have probably set it at this time to emphasize the isolation of the main male and to build fear for the audience, as they start to question why he is walking the streets alone at that time. Throughout the trailer we are shown a hand full of characters, all of which are wearing very dark coloured clothing, mostly black, this has connotations of death, grief and mystery, adding to the intensity of the clip.
To allow the audience to know what they are watching a trailer for, 4 seconds in, we are shown the sign to the Woolpack pub, this name is iconic to the soap Emmerdale, so from then on in the trailer, the audience know they are watching something associated with this soap.
Camera Angles and Editing
In terms of camera angles, i believe this trailer is centred around the use of close up shots of different characters faces. These are used to mainly show the reaction each character has to the main male character, and also to show his reaction back to them. Amongst these shots, there are a couple of shot reverse shots used. These close ups, and the shot reverse shot editing technique, allows the audience to acknowledge the emotions of the characters, helping us relate to them, thus making us feel more involved in the soap.
The trailer opens with a crane shot, establishing to the audience that this male character is alone at night with just himself and his shadow. The trailer ends with the same shot, but this time with an extra chilling shadow, telling the audience that the male is no longer walking the streets alone, ending the trailer on a cliffhanger and hopefully making a viewer want to watch the soap.
The trailer contains the average titles of soap trailers at it's end. It has the slogan of the soap trailer 'Judgement day is coming' written, but not spoken. We are also shown the ITV and Emmerdale logo and told of the channel and soap and when it is on.

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